Nordic Sugar, which produces sugar from sugar beets for Danish and international markets, focuses on reducing CO2 emissions and, therefore, chose STEFFCA's insulation solution.


Carbon footprint
Reducing our CO2 emissions is crucial to combat the significant climate changes we are witnessing globally. Most companies are working on mapping their emissions to identify the best ways to reduce their carbon footprint.


Additional benefit
Many companies have recognised that STEFFCA's insulation solutions are an easy way to reduce CO2 emissions. This also has the added benefit of reducing energy consumption. All of this is documented in the energy report we always prepare when measuring the units to be insulated. Another significant advantage is that the temperature decreases in the insulated areas, contributing to a better working environment.

Energy report
After the measurement, an energy calculation is prepared for the units to be insulated. The calculation shows the energy consumption before and after the insulation and forms the basis for the custom-made insulation pads tailored to the specific units. We also calculate the total payback period. All this is compiled into an energy report that forms the basis for STEFFCA's insulation solutions.


Nordic Sugar's savings
STEFFCA's insulation solution means that Nordic Sugar will achieve the following annual savings:

  • Reduce energy consumption by 325,587 kWh
  • Reduce CO2 emissions by 65,117 kg CO2

Insulation solutions
customised insulation pads

Download our insulation solutions brochure and learn about the significant energy savings you can achieve.

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